Saudi Arabia Joins the Hague Appostille Convention

Celebrating Saudi Arabia's Official Joining of the Hague Apostille Convention, Enhancing Document Legitimization on a Global Scale.

What is the Hague Convention? The Hague Convention of 1961 is an international agreement that governs the international service of judicial documents and simplifies the legalization process of civil and commercial documents. The convention sets a formal process where member countries may verify a document via an apostille stamp issued in the document’s country of… Continue reading Saudi Arabia Joins the Hague Appostille Convention

UAE – Saudi Arabia Investment Environment and Potential Industry Forum

On March 21st, 2023, Yoon & Yang LLC, Korea International Trade Association(KITA), the Korea-Arab Society, and Saudi Arabia and UAE Embassies in South Korea invited our legal consulting firm to the UAE-Saudi Arabia Investment Environment and Potential Industry Forum. We were honored to have our partner, Jad Younes, represent us as a speaker at this… Continue reading UAE – Saudi Arabia Investment Environment and Potential Industry Forum

Safeguarding Intellectual Property: A Legal Perspective

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, protecting intellectual property has become paramount for organizations across various industries. Operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we understand the significance of safeguarding intellectual assets. This blog post will provide valuable insights into why businesses should obtain patents, trademarks, industrial design rights, and trade secrets to secure… Continue reading Safeguarding Intellectual Property: A Legal Perspective